Andrew recently had a Rubber Duck Regatta at work so I customized his into a Drinky Crow Rubber Duck Racer. I added the horseshoe necklace for extra luck.

I'm trying to improve my sewing skills so I made a pillow for my desk chair.  It's a little wonky but  it gets the job done.

Here are last weeks Monsters for my Monster365 project.

Here are last weeks Monsters for my Monster365 project.

We enjoyed another weekend just hanging around the house. I finally was able to read the awesome mini-comics we received from Nathan Bulmer, his comics always make me giggle. You should check out his blog where he posts his super cool comics daily. I also did a little bit of work on the book I'm illustrating for my friend. Mostly though we worked on sorting our clothes deciding what to keep and what to give away, I always feel good after getting rid of stuff I don't need anymore.

Here are last weeks Monsters for my Monster365 project.

Yay, I have quite a few sketches to share today! This week I started using a new sketchbook, it's a 5.25x8.5 Moleskine Reporter Style Notebook, and I also took my new Pantone markers for a "test-drive"

Instead of going on a little trip this Labor Day, Andrew and I decided to have a weekend spent inside. This gave us a great opportunity to get some stuff crossed off of our to do list. In between episodes of Cheers and writing Thank-you notes from our wedding I took some pics of our surroundings, inside and outside the house.

Hope everyone has had time to enjoy this long weekend! Here are last week's Monsters...
Hi I'm Mary Ruth Butterworth aka Ruthie and this is my blog to showcase all the things I make. I'm a freelance artist currently living in Seattle. I like to use all different kinds of materials to create my art/crafts. I created this blog as a way to share my ideas and to keep me on track with my art.
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