i've been working on this diorama on and off for about three weeks, it was definitely a test of my patience. i think i went through two glue sticks. anyway last night i finally finished it, and i must say i'm pretty pleased with the results. i think i see more dioramas in my future.

made these sketchbooks over the weekend with some mini-folders and scratch paper i found. each one has a hand drawn and cut out creature on the front and 20 blank pages on the inside.

over the weekend me and the mister went to downtown renton (it's about 15 min. from seattle ) to check out a shop called Happy Delusions. i met the owner of this place, a super cool gal named mary, at the pbr contest that we both had entered. her entry was my favorite one there! anyway her store is full of all kinds of handiwork from local crafters, it's kind of like a mini bizarre bazaar, there is definitely something for everyone there.

here are some recent drawings from my sketch book, possibly some new collage ideas...

here is a sneak peek of some of the artwork i'm doing for a friends up-coming children's book.

on my desk i have a little set of drawers full of spare parts and pieces that were for past collages, the other day i was trying to think of something to do with all these parts, then it hit me (lightbulb!) i'll make a self-portrait with them. so the idea behind this collage is this all the stuff floating around my head.

those of you who know me probably know that i loooooove candy! i'm really trying to cut back on it, but it doesn't mean i can't put it in my art. i really hope i get some candy hearts for valentine's day, yes i actually enjoy eating those, mmmmm chalky goodness.

since i've been working from home i've been spending a lot more time with our dog, enid. at times she can be a pill, but she does a lot of funny things ie. got her head stuck in a ice cream container once, and she keeps me company. so in honor of her i painted this...

and here's the cry baby herself, notice the toilet paper stuck to her paw from one of her nightly bathroom infiltrations.
Hi I'm Mary Ruth Butterworth aka Ruthie and this is my blog to showcase all the things I make. I'm a freelance artist currently living in Seattle. I like to use all different kinds of materials to create my art/crafts. I created this blog as a way to share my ideas and to keep me on track with my art.
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