this is for the upcoming pbr art contest:

since moving up to seattle i've been eating at a lot of great restaurants, one of those is Fish Fry. they make the best fish sandwiches ever!!! so far my favorite one is the grilled ahi tuna sandwhich with aioli spread, i'm salivating just typing about it...

i don't know why but i've been even more food obsessed than normal, not to say i'm eating a lot more i've just been thinking about it, drawing and cutting out little pictures of it more. maybe i've been watching too much of anthony bourdain's no reservations, netflix is my enabler by the way. oh well i guess there are worse things to be obsessed about.

recent doodles in my sketchbook:

so besides being on a monster kick, i've decided to make little paper underwear too! here is my first finished piece, not sure why the purple one is grouchy though... don't worry ladies there will be girl versions too.

hopefully many more to follow!

here are some pieces for a new collage i'm working on, i'm still in my monster phase:

so i'm finally in my new place, new city, new town! i'm very excited to explore my new surroundings. i know there is a lot of craftiness here in seattle just waiting for me to find it.

i'm lucky enough to not have to have a regular (9-5) job for the next couple months and focus on my arts and crafts, i have several collages in the works and a friend has hired me to illustrate her childrens book for her. i'm very excited about this! this is going to be a test of my motivation and creativity.
Hi I'm Mary Ruth Butterworth aka Ruthie and this is my blog to showcase all the things I make. I'm a freelance artist currently living in Seattle. I like to use all different kinds of materials to create my art/crafts. I created this blog as a way to share my ideas and to keep me on track with my art.
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