thanks to everyone who was able to come to APE this past weekend. i had a great time chatting with everyone who came to visit our booth. it was also fun chatting and getting to know the fellow artists at the booths next to mine. there was so much great art to see and buy. i was lucky enough to trade some of my work with the other artists.

check out these artists: Lamno Giang, Lam Giang, and Aggie Chueng, they were my neighbors at the con.

i recently ordered some more business cards, from, and decided to have some greeting cards made of my collages too! i really like how they turned out, moo does an awesome job.
Hi I'm Mary Ruth Butterworth aka Ruthie and this is my blog to showcase all the things I make. I'm a freelance artist currently living in Seattle. I like to use all different kinds of materials to create my art/crafts. I created this blog as a way to share my ideas and to keep me on track with my art.
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