i've been getting over a sinus infection which i think was the major influence in my newest collage.

things i made tonight...

over easter weekend, my boyfriend's mom gave him a super awesome present...

this quilt is made of all his old concert t-shirts he doesn't wear anymore. his mom had been working on it for awhile so it was neat to finally see the finshed product. it was really fun to hear him reminisce about all the shows these shirts represent, he figured it represented the past 10 years of his life.

over the weekend i went to the Alameda Point Antiques and Collectibles Faire, it's the first sunday of every month, and found quite a few treasures!

my sister found my first purchase in a box filled with "grab bag" style bags full of old jewelry for only 5 bucks! i plan on using most of the pieces for brooches.

these are my favorites out of the bag, in all there was about 25 sets of clip-on earrings.

two new collages!
Hi I'm Mary Ruth Butterworth aka Ruthie and this is my blog to showcase all the things I make. I'm a freelance artist currently living in Seattle. I like to use all different kinds of materials to create my art/crafts. I created this blog as a way to share my ideas and to keep me on track with my art.
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