this is the first, of hopefully several, in my robot collage series. you might recognize him from an earlier post of one of my sketch book pages.

so lately i've been dividing my craft time between making jewelry and cutting things out of paper, but i've been ignoring what i really like to do, which is just sit and draw. yesterday i decided to dust off one of my many unfinished sketch books , i would love to commit to one and fill it cover to cover, and just draw.

alright i have a confession... i've been afraid to attempt sewing all my life, it's not like a phobia or anything like that, but every time i thought i wanted to try it, i'd get all nervous which led to frustration which usually ended with my sister and i being angry with one another ( my sister is quite proficient when it comes to sewing).

well today i had a break through, i finally was ready to conquer my sewing hang-ups.
Hi I'm Mary Ruth Butterworth aka Ruthie and this is my blog to showcase all the things I make. I'm a freelance artist currently living in Seattle. I like to use all different kinds of materials to create my art/crafts. I created this blog as a way to share my ideas and to keep me on track with my art.
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