so today was a great day at work! thanks to my very crafty co-worker irma, i have a brand new hat.

irma is always wearing cute hats, that she makes, to work. so last week i asked her if i could order a hat from her, then yesterday she brought in some hats she had already made.

i fell in love with the colors of this hat right away and it fit my head perfectly (it was meant to be!) i should also say that when i first saw it it didn't have the flower or the little earflaps on it, i asked irma if she could add those elements to it and she it brought promptly back to me today all finished.

besides making super cute hats, irma also makes beautiful bags and purses. check them out!

this past christmas i bought both my sister and my mom bags made by irma, i also own two myself.

Growing up a chubster, and wanting cool clothes can be tough. 

Let’s face it: “One size fits all” oftentimes does not. 

That’s where being a chubby-crafter can come in handy.

Overtime I have acquired a bunch of t-shirts. Some have been gifts, concerts-grabs, and free swag from pervious jobs.  Many of the graphics, detail and screen-printing on these shirts are awesome, but the fit is not. 

Since puberty I’ve been arming myself with pairs of scissors for many “no-sew” shirt reconstructs.

so last month my mom gave me a bunch of old jewelry, most of it i can wear as-is but there are some pieces that, with just a little modification would suit me more.

most of the modified pieces are clip-on earrings, there is a lot you can do with vintage clip-ons so i've decided to do these project ideas in parts. for part 1,i thought i'd show one of the easiest things to do, which is to make clip-ons into earrings for pierced ears.

so over the rainy weekend i finished up some cards for valentines day, i think it's my second favorite holiday.
Hi I'm Mary Ruth Butterworth aka Ruthie and this is my blog to showcase all the things I make. I'm a freelance artist currently living in Seattle. I like to use all different kinds of materials to create my art/crafts. I created this blog as a way to share my ideas and to keep me on track with my art.
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