my posts on this blog as you may have noticed have slowed down, this is due to the fact that i've been packing and getting ready to move to seattle, i'll be up there after christmas so i plan on putting more time into this blog once i get up there, so for now there probably won't be as much activity on this blog.on the note i want to mention a craft show i'm participating in (probably the last before i move) that benefits park mead elementary in walnut creek. it will on dec.5th from 10-3 at park mead elementary in walnut creek in their multi-purpose room. part of the sellers profits go towards the school. my super crafty co-worker irma, her work has been featured on this blog in the past, asked if i would like to share a table at this event.

thanks to everyone who was able to come to APE this past weekend. i had a great time chatting with everyone who came to visit our booth. it was also fun chatting and getting to know the fellow artists at the booths next to mine. there was so much great art to see and buy. i was lucky enough to trade some of my work with the other artists.

check out these artists: Lamno Giang, Lam Giang, and Aggie Chueng, they were my neighbors at the con.

i recently ordered some more business cards, from, and decided to have some greeting cards made of my collages too! i really like how they turned out, moo does an awesome job.

having to stay home with sinus troubles really makes me focus on my collages, here are some that i did yesterday...

i'll be selling these as well as others at APE this year, it's going to be held on oct. 17&18 in s.f. i'll post more details on it later.

my friend/co-worker irma is an all around crafty lady, recently she started making lunch bags for children. when i saw her handy work i had to have one for myself, with a few modifications. i asked if she could make it larger, i like to pack big lunches, and add pockets on the inside for ice packs. here is the amazing lunch bag she made for me...

my friend irma asked me if i could make her some jewelry with some left over beaded ribbon she had used on a scarf she made.

i got this idea from a shop in san francisco, called polka dot, sadly i don't think it's there anymore but it had the coolest stuff there.

the ones in the store had a label, with the artists info, over the actual card but i liked the patterns on the backs of the cards that had so i left them as is.

i haven't been garage sale-ing since i was a little kid, my grandma would take us at least once a month. we'd watched as the empty peanut butter jar would slowly fill with coins then when it was almost full we'd be up bright and early to get the "pick of the litter " at the neighborhood garage sales. these mornings were always filled with the excitement of finding a new treasure we couldn't live without.

This past Sunday your favorite chubby-crafters participated in the 40th annual Art in the Park held in Martinez’s Susana Street Park. We woke up early to set up our booth representing our art collective “Ruthie & Friends.

The sun was shining and the air was scented with Kettle corn courtesy of the food. Could you ask for a better setting? It was a mouth-watering craft filled day full of local music, food and art.

Hey crafters, like what you've been seeing in our blog?Well, come on out and support your friends at ChubbyCraft as we take part in: The 40th annual art in the park Sunday August 16 2009.

Your pals Ruthie, Irma and Myself are first time participants in this historic crafts faire.

Along with enjoying crafts of other local artisans we are selling our wares at a booth under our art collective name "Ruthie & Friends." Visit our booth and root us on as we attempt to win best booth award.
Hi I'm Mary Ruth Butterworth aka Ruthie and this is my blog to showcase all the things I make. I'm a freelance artist currently living in Seattle. I like to use all different kinds of materials to create my art/crafts. I created this blog as a way to share my ideas and to keep me on track with my art.
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